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Currently reading

Ted Dekker
Truth Stained Lies
Terri Blackstock
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World
Gary Vaynerchuk
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
Michael Hyatt
Eyes of Elisha
Brandilyn Collins
April 2014
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March 2014
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February 2014
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January 2014
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December 2013
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October 2013
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started following:
October 2013
finished reading:
September 2013
finished reading:
September 2013
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Snatched
I enjoyed this suspense novella. Fast-paced and lots of great behind the scenes info about the Atlanta airport. I need to che...
Snatched - Karin Slaughter
finished reading:
August 2013
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August 2013
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August 2013
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July 2013
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July 2013
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July 2013
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July 2013
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finished reading:
July 2013
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June 2013
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March 2013
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October 2012
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March 2012
finished reading:
August 2010
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finished reading:
October 2007
reviewed: Divas of Damascus Road
When Dianne learns about her beloved Aunt Gloria’s upcoming nuptials, she must make a difficult decision. Dianne has lived aw...
Divas of Damascus Road - Michelle Stimpson
September 2007
reviewed: Over Her Head
Over Her HeadShelley BatesDuring her morning run, Laurie Hale discovers the body of young girl. She becomes more shaken later...
Over Her Head - Shelley Bates
reviewed: The Dead Whisper on
Canada MacHugh’s life is interrupted on a garbage collection day. Moving along her route, minding her own business, Canada h...
The Dead Whisper on - T.L. Hines
reviewed: Finder's Fee
A Martha Stewart type, Judith Find is a successful business woman at the top of the interior decorating market. Life as she k...
Finder's Fee - Alton Gansky
reviewed: Crime and Clutter
Chick Lit meets mystery. That's how I would describe Crime & Clutter by Cyndy Salzman.The Friday Afternoon Club better know a...
Crime and Clutter - Cyndy Salzmann
reviewed: The Ex Files: A Novel About Four Women and Faith
The Ex-Filesby Victoria Christopher MurrayAbout two to three years ago, Victoria Christopher Murray released a book titled Gr...
The Ex Files: A Novel About Four Women and Faith - Victoria Christopher Murray
reviewed: Fearless
Fearlessby Robin ParrishRecently on a mailing list, someone asked what were the favorite books from 2007. I chose Fearless b...
Fearless - Robin Parrish
reviewed: The Watchers
thewatchers The Watchersby Mark Andrew OlsenAbby Sherman wakes up to an assassin in her bedroom. While Abby’s long time hous...
The Watchers - Mark Andrew Olsen
reviewed: No Legal Grounds
When attorney Sam Trask receives an email out of the blue from someone he knew briefly in college, he has know idea how this ...
No Legal Grounds - James Scott Bell
reviewed: Coral Moon
Coral Moon is the second book in the Kanner Lake series. Months after the murder of Edna San, the normally quiet town is stil...
Coral Moon - Brandilyn Collins
reviewed: Night Light
Terri Blackstock continues to shine and meet her fans expectations with Night Light, the second book in the Restoration Serie...
Night Light - Terri Blackstock
reviewed: Like Sheep Gone Astray
Rev. Anthony Murdock’s story can be compared to Job, except in Anthony’s case, his sins have definitely come back to haunt hi...
Like Sheep Gone Astray - Leslie J. Sherrod